All Products Lab AssistantsThe SemiProbe Lab Assistant family of probe stations is specifically designed to address the requirements of universities and research personnel. Mini-PS4L Probe SystemsThe SemiProbe Lab Assistant family of probe stations is specifically designed to address the requirements of universities and research personnel. Packaged Part and Probe Card Holders SemiProbe manufactures a family of Packaged Part and Probe Card Holders Dark BoxesSemiProbe’s Dark Box provides a clear visual path to instrumentations and controls located outside and adjacent to the system ChucksSemiProbe provides numerous types of Chucks to meet a wide array of probing applications. ManipulatorsSemiProbe manufactures an extensive line of Manipulators for a wide variety of applications. Manipulator Probe ArmsSemiProbe manufactures a large selection of Probe Arms for a variety of applications. Probe TipsAlso called Probes and Needle Probes, are provided in a variety of materials, lengths, shape and tip radius. Vacuum PumpSemiProbe provides a family of Vacuum Pumps Air CompressorThe Air Compressors are primarily used for pneumatic microscope lifts and for vibration isolation tables Instrumentation RacksSemiProbe designs and builds a family of test instrumentation racks and shelves to hold a variety of test instruments. We typically provide 5% discounts to all University and Government Labs.